This episode features an interview with Monte Perez, President of Los Angeles Mission College, as he discusses how to support and transform underserved and economically challenged communities. Discover the important role that community colleges play in workforce development and some of the biggest challenges that community colleges face when it comes to preparing students for the workforce. You'll learn how workforce development personnel and community colleges can work together to achieve the best outcomes for students, employers and the community.
This episode features an interview with Laurie Moran, the past chair of the NAWB Board of Directors and current president of The Danville Pittsylvania County Chamber of Commerce. Discover some of the most pressing current issues in workforce development and possible solutions. Laurie also discusses the key role that Chambers of Commerce play in workforce development. Discover a mindset shift you need to make to help create stronger partnerships and achieve better outcomes.
This first episode of the new version of Workforce Central features a welcome from Ron Painter, President and CEO of the National Association of Workforce Boards. Discover what this podcast is about and how you can benefit. You'll also learn how you can provide feedback, as well as input as to what topics you'd like to see covered in future episodes.